Thursday, September 15, 2005

more rhetorical katrina questions

how much of my tax dollars do i have to give the all-red gulf region before their politicians stop calling their constitients 'self-reliant?'

if we give you 200 billion dollars, will you please stop sounding so accusative and start sounding more compassionate when you say phrases like 'government programs,' and 'federal spending?'

if it turns out that stronger hurricaines are the result of warmer water, would you vote for the environment over your pocketbook once in awhile?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

ban gay marriage now

The answer isn't to legalize gay marriage, the anwer is to stop performing legal gay and straight marriages completely, in favor of civil unions for all. The church doesn't recognize state-issued divorce; you need an 'annulment.' Annulment is to marriage as divorce is to civil union. Also, doesn't having the state recognize a contract defined by a religion violate the establishment clause? Why recognize state issued 'marriages?' My heterosexual marriage took place in a hotel by a justice of the peace; I have a civil union. If your chuch won't marry you because you've got the wrong race, religion, or reproductive organs that's between you, your church, and your god. Pray to him, have a sacrifice, nail a letter to the door of the church, but don't involve my government. I don't want the state 'defending the sanctity' of anything. Sanctifying, defending sanctity, and sanctimoniousness in general is for clergy and mullahs.

This is how the founding fathers would want it. google 'founding fathers and religion.' for yourself.

they do it over there, but they don't do it here

check out this article on Pat Robertson's fatwah, where the author writes:

...Perhaps, that explains Donald Rumsfeld’s bland response that Robertson “is a private citizen. Private citizens say all kinds of things all the time.”

Of course, Rumsfeld failed to add that if Robertson was Muslim he’d be dragged off in leg-irons and plunked at Guantanamo Bay. Instead, he’ll get a mild public rebuke and retain his prestigious place among America’s class warriors.